June 21, 2004

Sunday, Lonely Sunday

I finally told our headwriter about my decision not to stay long with the soap. I think he understands. Well, at least I hope so. I already gave them an ultimatum. I'll stay with the soap until he comes back from his US vacation. He'll be gone August to September, which means, I will only resign by then. Ang bait ko noh?! :) But of course, nothing's temporary really. For all we know, the show is not going to rate very high and the management will decide to cut the soap short. Am I very bad if I hope for this to happen?


I attended a binyag this morning. I'm already a ninong! :) Her name is Mirjana Kamilah and she's the daughter of Darling, the older sister of my childhood friend Honey. Yep, those are really their nicks! :) It was cool. I don't know but I really find traditions such as this cheezy in a good way. I found myself smiling all throughout the ceremonies. And then I realized I'm not getting any younger. And my smile vanished.


Went home and slept after the binyag. I got depressed.


Caught the final screening of Dawn Of the Dead in SM North after. In terms of quality and aesthetics, the other recent zombie movie 28 Days Later is far better because its premise is more realistic and resonant with the times, its direction more innovative and its characters more intelligent (although I hate that "man becoming zombies" symbolism in the latter part of the film). This is not to say that I didn't enjoy Dawn of the Dead. If you feel like watching a zombie movie that's sheer scream out loud fun, then go see this one. I also like the subtle "fuck commercialism" message.


The taxi I rode on the the way to SM North played some Guns And Roses album. Got teary-eyed dammit! I'm ashamed to admit it but early 90's long hair band music actually hits my sensitive nerve. It just reminds me of my early days of freedom (circa 1992) when I left home to study HS in another island. I was 12 then. And at 24 now, I'm feeling very old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I applaud the professional way you handled your soap dilemna. You gave them enough time to find a suitable replacement while giving yourself a graceful way out.

Who knows, you may find yourself enjoying the soap writing (I know, doubtful...) between now and September, and may not want to leave by then! At least you haven't burned all your bridges yet. You still have a chance to decide to stay.

Suggestion ko lang -- if by end-July, you're still determined to leave, you may want to remind the head-writer of your plans, para walang big "shock and surprise" scene in September when he returns from vacation. Haha!

Good luck, and I'm looking forward to watching the episodes. he-he!

~ Carla Fans