August 07, 2009

It's a wrap!

Maybe you're all wondering what happened to this. After what seemed like eternity (okay, 3 months exactly), I finally had my last shooting day yesterday and it's a wrap! :) I'm bangenge while writing this, actually. We shot for 24 hours and I still haven't gotten a decent sleep. I just need to thank everyone who supported me financially, spiritually, morally or by simply just working under me for free. :) In the end it was all worth it. I not only learned the art of film-making (living set!), but also the value of friendship. Yeah, that's so beauty-pageant statement. :D

Walang hanggang salamat, Team Nikulet! (picture c/o Jairus)

On a side note, I was dead tired after the shoot that I decided to check in Sogo Marikina rather than risk my safety by driving from Antipolo (the shooting location) to Quezon City. It was a weird experience checking in alone. :) I woke up from my half-sleep 3 hours later because of car coding and an after-lunch meeting. Then, I dozed off again at home. I would have wanted to sleep until tomorrow but my empty stomach woke me up. Now, I have runny nose and not feeling very well. I think I'm getting sick. :(

I'm sorry of this entry is so walang kwenta. Haha! But this is what happens when #twitterwasdown.

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